Feb 28, 2023
- After logging in Outlook Web, on the left sidebar, select
to go to the Calendar.
- In Calendar, on the toolbar at the top of the page, select Share, and, if necessary, choose the calendar you want to share.
If you need to create a new calendar to share, just click ADD CALENDAR to create one.
- Enter the name or email address of the person you want to share your calendar with.
- Choose what permissions you want the person to have in your calendar:
- Can view when I'm busy lets them see when you're busy but doesn't include details like the event location.
- Can view titles and locations lets them see when you're busy, as well as the title and location of events.
- Can view all details lets them see all the details of your events.
- Can edit lets them edit your calendar.
- Select Share. If you decide not to share your calendar right now, select
How to Share your calendar in Outlook Desktop
select in the lower left to go to Calendar
Click on the SHARE CALENDAR button under the Home menu, a new email window will open to allow you to send the invitation. Use the Details dropdown to select what you want them to see.
- You can return to this page at a later time and change the viewing permissions for users you have shared with.
- You can’t share calendars owned by other people.
- When sharing your calendar with someone who's not using Outlook on the web, for example, someone using Gmail, they'll only be able to accept the invitation using a Microsoft 365 or an Outlook.com account.
- ICS calendars are read-only, so even if you grant edit access to other people, they won't be able to edit your calendar.
- Calendar items marked private are protected. Most people you share your calendar with see only the time of items marked private, not the title, location, or other details. Recurring series marked as private will also show the recurrence pattern.
- Click on OPEN CALENDAR -> CREATE NEW BLANK CALENDAR to create a new calendar for use.